
Cooperation Brazil and Japan offers course for members of ABPI

As a result of the cooperation between the intellectual property offices in Brazil (INPI) and Japan (JPO), a vacancy was offered for the participation of an ABPI representative in the “JPO / IPR Training Course for Practitioners Specializing in Trademarks” course, which will take place from online from September 3 to October 5, 2021 and in person from October 13 to 21, 2021. The confirmation of the presence of the face-to-face part of the course will be informed by JPO until one month before the beginning of the classes.

Access the three links below to learn about the course program, information about the required profile of candidates and the application form. The form must be signed and sent in Excel and PDF.

Candidates must meet all eligibility conditions, as well as forward all documentation and completed form to the email

Due to the deadline for the delivery of documentation to the JPO, we request that you forward the applications until June 2, 2021.

1. General information / program

2. Information on the required profile of the candidates

3. Application form
